No More a Kid..

Damnn yet another gadget launched this week and yet again i will dream to have it in my hands. Branded Shoes , Nice clothes , Nice places to dine at are things which surely are part of our lifestyle nowadays.
Thats why i say Yes i am Materialistic.

I still clearly remember i was not like this when i was kid. I always loved cricket more than most of the things on the planet. As a kid i didn't needed anything else than a nice cricket bat to play with and news that SRT yet again scored a century.

I still remember i had millions of tantrums in regards to food when i was a kid, but if it was a good day at cricket pitch for me then anything sufficed , even i could have "Tinda" that day.

For people who don't know what a Tinda is then you surely are one of the luckiest people on the planet, to introduce Tinda it is the worst Vegetable Mankind has ever seen.

Well coming back to the stream, I still remember i used to wear clothes that my parents bought for me , and i loved every bit of them. Now i buy my own clothes and long for the old gone days.

Somebody must see this thing also as independence to do your things yourself, a liberation. But somehow i was more liberated when everything on the world was good for me, when the things of least concern for me were things which i owned.

It's not like that i didn't had any desires as a kid , i had but those were the things that couldn't be touched and owned. Like a perfect day in cricket ,a day in school without any homework to do for home, a cloudy and breezy sunday , my dog running for me when i was back from school , and watching TV late night without being told to sleep.

Today we have millions of social networking Zones , but we are least social from the times when the evening cricket and the late evening strolls were the only Social Networking.

I still remember the cricket matches when India did bad and it is was difficult to swallow even a single chapati at dinner. My best friends from childhood were fierce rivals when we were at the cricket pitch, we fought daily. But as soon as the match was over the fight was over. But if we fight with somebody like that now can we imagine to reconcile that quickly.Never because when we were kids we just hurt each other physically but now as we are grown ups we hurt the damn Ego.

Growing up is inevitable but still we can be kids, kids to the hassle around us ,kids to the Growing Egos around, kids to the materialism around us. And a kid towards our desires.


  1. hmm nice one!! and "Tindas" are still better . "Lingar" are the worst ones if u've tried! hehe ;)

  2. Tindas and better a big big contrast for me...Well haven't heard about Lingar..Anyways hows ur after school life going on..Engineering or something else??

    1. shaayad going for architecture! juz waiting for results!


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