Blog post for Graphic Era University Official Blog


Diwali is one of my favorite festivals, I really enjoy being with my close ones within the illuminated world on this day. However the thing which I don’t like much about Diwali is bursting of the crackers and all that noise.
If I remember aptly, it has been over a decade since I have shunned bursting crackers. Even few of my closest mates have stopped doing so.
Well, this Diwali was however a bit different as I was at my sister’s place and for the sake of my niece I had to get into burning a few. Though one day when she will grow up, I hope that she would also join me in the crusade of no noise and air pollution. (Ahh the word crusade makes it sound as if I am into a mission).
While burning the crackers one of them hurled towards me but thankfully I was quick enough to run away from it! At last even though it was all lost out in laughter, it did make me think what would have happened had it burst near my body.
Soon I forgot the incident and it was 26 Nov 14 i.e. 6 years past the 26/11. I was reading about the incident on internet and came across a brave policeman Tukaram Omble. When Kasab was spraying bullets all around he (Read : Tukaram) was there with just a lathi in his hand, and instead of running away from there he stepped ahead and held the barrel of Kasab’s gun.  In the duel, Kasab shot him in his stomach and he collapsed, but not before Kasab was held.
Doing what the brave Tukaram Omble did requires a lot of grit and valor.
The reason for me to illustrate these two separate incidents is to draw an analogy of what the security forces of our nation have to go through to make our life merrier. The fears which we face in our daily life are just drops of water in an ocean compared to what the forces have to encounter in their daily lives.
The BSF has to constantly guard the borders of the nation against all the odds. 
For once spare a thought for the brave people placed at Siachen, the highest and scariest battlefield in the entire world. The conditions are inhuman there. Still the forces guard our nation, guard the people who they don’t even know.
This is surely an example of valor and patriotism. As someone might have mentioned it (If not, then mark it as my Quote), “There is nothing noble then serving your Motherland”. 
You take the story of any martyr and you would be dumbfounded by what they did while the battlefield was blazed with the guns and mortars, where without thinking about their own life or of their families they laid their lives for us and our motherland. 
If there is Heaven somewhere then i don’t know about the people in the world but all these martyrs must be there in the heavenly abode. 
R.I.P  Bravos. Thanks is a small word to say for what you did for me, for our motherland, for your life that you sacrificed so that we could live ours peacefully.


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