Happy Teachers Day !!!

Wrote this for Graphic Era University Official Blog : http://geu.ac.in/blog/happy-teachers-day/#more-53


My sister recently visited my place for a vacation. Amidst all the things which kept me busy the thing which took the major chunk of my time was teaching my niece. And you should believe that it was never an easygoing thing.
It was hard to make her believe that a 2 + 2 is 4. With all my wisdom and experience i thought of a realistic example and asked her if you have 2 toffees and you get another 2 from me how much would you have?
But she was like “Only 2 toffees, nooo i need a dairy milk and a kinder joy”. Somehow i made her believe that this was an example, and taught her the addition thing. But the entire day she sought after me for those extra toffees.
Amidst all this hilarious stuff i realized that how difficult it is to teach a person or in other words how difficult it is to make somebody believe in them.
Also i realized how i have been transferred from a Kid to an educated professional over these decades, and it surely wouldn’t have happened if i had not been taught.

Taught to speak, Taught to read, Taught to write and taught to be civilized.
And believe me i was never a easy kid to go with. Maths was like dancing numbers for me, geography was like study of weird shapes called countries and continents, and History was like something which was about the past and the long gone people.
And seriously i was amongst the few who believed that the earth is flat, and i know this was a major goof up.
But everything started falling at the right places and started making sense just because a bunch of people tried hard throughout to make me believe that all these things had some purpose .And those were my Teachers.
AS Aristotle once aptly quoted
“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”
I vividly remember my teachers through my life. Right from one who taught me that an A stands for an apple and the one who taught me how to include a library in a code? Everything i got from them was a step in a long staircase which took me a step ahead in life.
I had always been thankful for the self-less deeds they did for me. The Knowledge they shared. The Examples they set. No day isn’t a day where we could not stop by, and give them a warm hug.
But on the special day which is ought to be theirs. I would like to say “Thank you sir, Thank you Mam “.
Thank you for the Wisdom you shared. Thank you for letting me know what is right and what is wrong. Thank you for helping me to be a human in true sense. Thank you for the Love and the care.
Happy Teachers Day!!


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