Look Down from Where u Are...

Often in life you tend to think why i am not the richest person on the planet, why i am not the one with the most privileges..Why i am not the one with the silver spoon.

I too have spent my childhood dreaming about these fantasies, but i have learnt a lot from there.

The statement i believe is " Don't ever see what you don't have, cherish the things you have in hand".

I see this statement very true because there are things which we aren't very proud of , but those very little things might be a aspiration for somebody.

All this came into my mind few days back , i was at my sister's place for Diwali, As my Jiju and me were passing by a park he met a person who said a hello to him.

Later he told me that he was one of the workers at his workplace and he earns a living for his whole family , and for a full day hard work he earns a meager 150 bucks.
                                                                            If he works for a full long month he can earn a maximum of 4500. And 4500 can be just an amount that we just spend in a month which comes under our miscellaneous expenses.

In life whenever after all the hard work you feel you don't have much , always look to the people down the ladder , you'll surely feel that you are not the one with injustice being done. There you would be seeing somebody toiling hard to be like you.
This won't be quite into the lines of the motivational stuff that we read everyday , it's quite contrary to the statement "Don't ever get satisfied" .  

But there is no point in being dissatisfied and sulking , it's better to know when to chill out on things.


  1. true! we've got to cherish the little things in our life for one day we may look back and realize that they were the big things (:

  2. Vidisha : Exactly..Each moment we live is a memory for tommorow :)

  3. And thanks for sparing your time to read the posts :) It is really a motivation to write.. Thanks!!


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