You don't know..

Life is strange...There would be a moment when you have everything to smile on and there comes a thing to cry for.A moment you have people smiling around you and comes a moment when you have no one and you end up talking to yourself.

A moment when you could do anything to have a glance of somebody , and there's a moment when you don't even want to hear the name.

Life is full of surprises, even if you dare and predict a surprise it will bring up something new and you would do nothing just bow for the GREAT LIFE.

It was one of the normal days , the day started with the routine hurry for the office. The highway jam packed, and this was too one of the surprises from Life, as this was a rare sight at this time in the morning.

The day went usual at office ,the same brain storming and ending up with a conclusion "It ain't gonna work"... It was a thing in the evening that really made me pen down this post.

We were making way back towards home from office. As always everybody was in hurry to reach home , No qualms we too were part of this chaos.

There was a Hawker with eatables on his cart at the footpath, it seemed that he had just started off with the eve, as he was trying to arrange things on his cart.

Being at the street he too was affected by the chaos, trying to help out the people in the vehicles to move fast , he decided to move his cart a Bit ahead to part of the street which was a bit broad.

He pushed the cart, but it was a pothole on the street that didn't wanted things to go normal for him.As he pushed the cart the cart stumbled and it turned upside down and everything on the cart was there on the mud.
He really appeared shocked , there was an expression on his face which clearly said " This isn't true". But somehow he managed a smile and started pulling things up. It seemed that these troubles might be a daily routine for him and he somehow has got the strength to endure all of this.

He turned back and headed back from where he started.

Did he ever thought of all this when he started from his home? Had he saved enough for the Day so that he could survive the night with some food. It was barely 5 minutes that i could spare thinking about the thing , then some peppy song from some random Radio station brought me back into the rat race to go home.

Actually it's the phrase "You don't Know" that's perfectly associated with Life. You always might have some plans, dreams , aspirations. But life has some different plans. It's just it picks somebody random and says "Come on Buddy i am in a mood  to play with you plans today".

But one thing that i learnt from that hawker , how bad the thing might be. You just pick up your things SMILE and restart.

And you know what somebody said to few Years back " You have a nice smile". I came home stared at the mirror smiled in all different ways and said "That's ain't true"


  1. Inspiring and touching
    I like it as always...
    keep going!!

  2. rightly perceived and yes nicely written... esp. I loved that line :- "You just pick up your things ,SMILE and restart." :)

  3. Really give me a new thought.. :)

  4. Deepika : Feels very nice if my posts are able to provoke new thoughts :)


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