The Transition !!

I have recently got married and i am about to turn 29. These facts really make me feel old. Though i am trying hard to never look like that.

Our lunch sessions in office often turn out to be discussion forums on various things around us. AAP and Arvind Kejriwal were the two recent things which got the most of the share of the forum.

One fine day the discussion started if each of us remembers how many cell phones we have bought/used till date. 4 was my number. Some had a hysteric 28 as the number. Then the things turned to the period when cell phones didn't existed. Then we visited the period when we had either no or small screen black n white televisions at our place, the period when cricket was synonymous to Tendulkar.

That time we didn't had any DTH neither any cable connections.Often the overseas cricket match results could only be heard on the news.
Doordarshan was the sole thing which kept the mundane black n white ( Read : calm ) life moving.

Now we can switch on to MTV anytime and check out the latest music videos , but those were the days when Chitrahaar and Rangoli were the only musical shows. There were no cartoons day long on Cartoon Network just a weekly dose of Tales Pin and Duck Tales on Sunday and Aladdin on Friday eve was there to nurture us the kiddos.

The communication world was deeply monopolized by the Landline phones. We still long for those screams "Show up Quick, the call is for you". The fingers were always crossed that it should be you picking up the phone when the cutest girl from the class called you up, nobody wanted to see those glares and hidden smiles when you were told that a girl has called up for you.

A plain jane Maruti 800 was the newest revolution in the town. A compact cute and a very economical car.
There were no Swanky Sedans.
I still remember my first bicycle the red Hero Hansa.It was everywhere with me , to my tution, school playground . to each and every possible place.

Can you imagine telling a kid to use a bicycle to commute in todays world. He / She will surely make you believe that you have committed a sin by saying so. Well i don't believe it's there fault, In our days Aamir Khan use to flaunt his bicycle to woo the girl and now he too rides on the high tech BMW super bikes courtesy Dhoom 3.

Amongst all this calmness one fine day a thing called Dish antenna came from somewhere, then came the bulky mobile phones, the low memory computers started turning into MACBooks and Laptops.
Cell phones the rare thing became a necessity soon.Small screen b/w tv turned into large LCD's and LED's.
Sedans and SUV's are the newest things in the town. Now we often hear "It's not a CAR its a CAAAAAAAAR".
Bikes are the new sensation amongst the teens, who wishes to burn the extra calories on a bicycle.

If you could have two pictures of the two generations then you will observe that the world has surely turned upside down. But somehow it also makes us realize that we have been through a big transformation. Transformation of Technology, Ideologies , living Style.

It makes as if we have lived in two worlds. But also feels good that we had a punch of both the generations.

But i still miss things , Landlines came and we didn't went to each of friends place to call them up for evening cricket.I miss that.

Cell phones came and we don't have to search for our friends location. We can call them up. I miss that.

Bikes came and we don't have to pedal our cycles and rush through the slopes. I miss that.

Colour TV's came and we don't have to wonder what would be the colour of the things on the TV. I miss that.

DTH came and we don't have to wait for the 8:30 PM news to know if Tendulkar has scored a century or not. I miss that.

Civilization grew and we have more buildings and don't have much playgrounds. I miss that

P.S : People who are after the mid nineties might feel a bit disconnected post. It;s not my fault . You missed the Transition.

P.P.S : I hope you don't mind mention of Tendulkar in almost each post of mine. I really love him. In awe of him since i know anything!!!!


  1. yeah,,,, drastic transition! .. some required to much extent and much required to some extent ;)

    1. It's Great seeing somebody from the nineties following the post :)


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