Religion less..

A world so free that i can fly like a bird.
Travel like air, love like god.
Care like a mother..

Words so innocent that they can't even pierce the air,
Faith so strong that i don't doubt somebody else's.
Learning so pure so it couldn't be condemned or doubted..

Smile so intoxicating that i can make a heartbroken fellow smile.
A walk so swift that i don't fear to be left alone.
A speech so true that it could inspire humanity.
Deeds so pure that they could be repeated.

A Life so meaningful that i could conclude that i actually lived and existed.


Humanity is the biggest gift that the race living on the planet earth has ever got. But to keep up with this is a task which requires umpteen skills. This world has always depicted great

examples of apathy, but likewise there have been stains on this bright sky of humanity.

The "Holocaust" is one of the clear examples of this in-humanity, 60 million Jews were tortured , made devoid of their civil and human rights and then killed without giving a second thought. This is one of the incidents which makes me feel sad whenever i read about it.

( To Read more on Holocaust refer : )

There have always been barriers of cast and creed separating the humanity and they have proven to be the highest of the barriers. So high that they are seldom proved to be crossed.

There have been people serving Humanity at their best, although there would be a long list for this. But of them who has inspired me to write this post is Oskar Schindler. ( ) .

If i would had been somebody who could preach a religion, i would prefer to be religion less. i would prefer to live in a world where i am not judged by the faith i posses , not judged by the god i

worship. If a human is to be judged judge him/her by the deeds.

I would like to be introduced as :

Religion - Humanity

P.S : 
If being Religion less is not possible then the only other solution is to respect your faith and faith that somebody else preaches..


  1. yeah true...and its actually not possible to be religionless, but respecting each other's religions is definitely possible.
    :) And After all, all our religions preach the same.

  2. i loved the concept of the post and the poem..nice :)

  3. Loved this post!! If only people could and would follow this!!

    1. Yes ,if people could then this world be a far better place to be in.

      Thanks for reading and appreciating. I am a big fan of your blog. You Rock !!!


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