The World beyond Reality..

It was year and a half, and he could even count the days since the last time he saw her.But he could still hear her voice echo in his ears, could feel that soft touch of her.

He didn't ever cared if she was beautiful or not. Only thing he knew was that she was one of the reasons for him to breathe.

There were days when his days started with her and often used to end seeing her smile.
But now all those were memories ,he even had started to blur her down in his memory lane , but as rightly said the more you try to run away from something the more it comes back to you.
It was one of the fine sunday noon, he saw somebody that made him go weak down at the knees. She was walking towards him waving her hands with the same adorable smile as ever.

He forgot to blink, even forgot to breathe for a moment. She stopped and stood right in front of him. A moment of silence and awkwardness was surrounding the place. Finally She Spoke "I Knew you won't even say a hello!! , You are always like this , stupid ".

He stood numb. Thinking ,should he walk away from her like the way she did. These weird thoughts made him smile.
This was the first time he smiled since she left her , seems the word stupid did some trick. "Hello Ayesha" was what he spoke and then again he stood dumbstruck and spellbound. Spellbound by her mere existence.

"Hello Aamir, stupid can't you speak anything more, you won't be jailed for it and you can smile too" Ayesha Shrieked.

He smiled again , as if he was just waiting for her to tell him to do so. "How are you and it's nice to see you" he spoke a bit more.

"Doing okay , but not great" she said with a weak smile.

It seemed selfish but still he felt consoled that he is not the only one who was suffering.

"I missed you" both spoke together and then smiled for the feeling which they shared. He just stared into her eyes , even the sadness in there told that she really missed him.

The perfect noon was really playing a role there.A soft breeze just ruffled through her tied hairs, " you started tying them, you look great when you let them loose " Aamir managed to spare a bit more .
"No just don't feel like having them untied" She said.
A minute passed by and she pulled the band from her hairs.

Her hairs fall down on her shoulders and now she was the way Aamir loved her. The hairs with the breeze in them perfectly complimented the Black soulful and the expressive eyes of Ayesha.

Since the first day since Aamir knew Ayesha, he knew she could speak through her eyes too and he was the only one who could read those words.

Aamir just held a strand of hairs and put them besides her left ear. " I really missed you, and don't want to miss you more, Please Stay" finally Aamir poured his feelings out.

"I am not here to leave stupid, i missed you more, i won't, won't ever leave" she almost cried and hugged him.
"Even if you try i won't let you leave" Aamir said and kissed on her forehead.

A loud noise of lightning struck, and it shook Aamir from his sleep. He was still smiling .He was dreaming and had a dream come true in his dreams.The count of the days doesn't stop , he will have to carry on counting the days without Ayesha.Live a life with a vacuum since she left, since he heard her speak for the last time.

Aamir curled back into his bed with a hope that he could sleep again and Ayesha might be there waiting for him, with her hairs ruffled by the wind, with her smile unknown of the despair in the world , with her words just for him , with a promise that she won't leave and be with him, to live the life together, to bring back his smile and life.

Mother Nature was in a fury , it was raining heavily.She too surely had something going in her mind.

P.S : A dream as a child to write, Should i go ahead ? M not introspecting , m asking? :)


  1. Go Ahead!
    Poor Aamir! wish this was true! ;) He would be happy!

  2. You should start writing.. way to go Himanshuuuuuu


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