The Home Makers..Avengers at Home

Often when we talk about women we often classify them into two groups One who work and the others who don't work which we often call as a House Wife.

But i often think over it, Does working only means getting up in the morning at a certain time and then commuting towards the office and then working for somebody else. Doesn't getting up in the morning and then having the whole tiring and painful household chores to do throughout the day count as work?

In my firm opinion there is no work harder then managing a home perfectly. To be true i too didn't had this know how of the hectic work that the house wives have to do at home. But being out of my home since last 8 years has made me feel the pinch of the same. It really feels hell when you have to do anything even for yourself. Sometimes you prefer being hungry rather than standing in the kitchen and doing an hour full of exercise of preparing a meal. The Hunger feels worth it.

This made me realize that my mom has been doing for several decades without having a glimpse of tiredness on her face, and the case was always worse for her as i was a kid with numerous tantrums when it came to meals.I still clearly remember my mom would do anything so as to make me swallow at least 2 chapatis per meal.

How often did i made my bed when i was a kid, how often did i placed my things at the place where they are ought to be,how often did i feel bad when i played in mud, how often did i feel bad when i would just shrug off and make faces when the meal is not of my choice, Almost Never..Because i had somebody there at home who would do it for me selflessly that is "MOM".I never remember a day when mom has done anything for her, Whatever she did was for the home and for the smiling faces of people living in there.

I recently read a small Quote "If you have 4 people in the family and 3 pieces of cake, There would be a voice " I don't like Cakes " and she would be the Mother ".This really says a ton.

Well i have a certain perspective when it comes to Housewives (the best example is our mother at home). They are the most selfless and dedicated people you would ever see. A perfect example of management and sheer hard-work, and if it can be included as a case study then it wont be a surprise.

Summarizing this A house wife is never less than a manager, Just see what all a house wife does and it is the best example how things should be managed over a long long period of time. When the city was in trouble the Superheroes came together for the rescue, Likewise the Housewife is always there for the home, The Avengers that exist.

I have been using this word a lot but i somehow don't like this word "HOUSE WIFE" much, i recently came across a word "Home - Maker" and i feel it is more apt to name the hard work.

P.S : I have been saying throughout this post about my tantrums and the irritating things i did as a child but that doesn't mean i was a very GOOD FOR NOTHING kid..Man i clearly remember i was pretty decent. If you disagree don't let me know ;-)


  1. haha...true... but naughty stuff is also important at home!
    and Mother, no wonders... how the hell does she manage anything and everything!!! Home-Maker is right :)
    and this profession of homeMaking if considered to be offered a salary, then homemakers would be the richest ;)

    1. Surely they would be billionaires.

      And mothers , thats why they are god on earth else the things they do daily are really Super human. :)

    2. Vidisha : Thanks again for Sparing your time :) It really motivates, i am fed up of pulling my friends and make them read my posts ..he he :)


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