The clouds of despair and the bright shining sun of Hope...

Being an Optimistic is the biggest thing a human can achieve. Amidst a perfect day we can always think positive, but being optimistic during the darkest of the days is what really matters.

Anything can happen anytime. Each one us must have witnessed sunshine while it is raining and really it is one of the most scenic thing one can ever witness.

Hope in one's life should be like the same sunshine which fights against the rain but still seems beautiful.

Hope is the thing which motivates to move on and carry on regardless of what one is suffering from, even it is rightly believed that when a person is suffering then hope is the thing which helps him overcome, all the medicines and counseling are always the secondary thing.

Also speaking about the other aspect "Despair", it is also has a very formidable impact on a person. But you cannot get over unless u have a pinch of Hope left in you.

Despair is just like a wet patch which goes away only when sun shines over it, i.e. when you hope. A hope that everything would be fine, that everything would be like what you want it to be..

Being optimistic always helps and i can bet on this thing..It really does not cost a thing..

P.S : I am reading this again, and to be honest philosphy is not my thing :)


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