Its Good To be Important,But It's More Important to be Good

It's good to be important,But it's more important to be good,,This is one of my favoutite quote.I have it everywhere,on my desk,in my email signature,on my cell phone,my notebooks.

And i am very proud that i really practice it.But it would be people who would know how compliant i am towards it.
Well i surely agree that this world is dammn compettitive..and it is really a rat race.But this doesn't always implies that you have to step up on somebody in order to go up the ladder.

Few polite words and few humble deeds a day doesn't hurt.I really adore one of the sayings that 'Once you die nobody remembers who you were,but they do remember how good of a person you were'.

I too have a habit of being rude at times..Short temper is the thing that makes me do that.Even my family made me wear a ring to chill me down.And surey improvements were there but that's not because of this silly ring.It's my introspection which made me do that.

If i cant bear somedbody being rude to me than i shouldn't be likewise to anyone else.Well my friends won't agree coz i am the one the irritated one,one who yells at anything anytime..

As i truly believe that 'Give What You Expect'.Even while writing this i am fighting with my MoM..It's always War of Words between me and her...And as always she is he one who wins.

I have met people in my journey of life who i believe follow this principle pefectly..VK, he is one of the Guys..Even if i close my eyes i cannot imagine VK with a frowned face or shouting at anybody..He seems perfect when it come to be Being Good.

God gifted us with Swings of mood and expressions.But seems VK is the one who has got only smile as a expression.He is truly a person whom i look upto...

I also believe another aspect of being good is ADMITTING..Admitting what you did wrong and What you should not had said.And Believe me i am very gud on this..Apologies never make you look small..
P.S : Sorry Guys,if this is too much of a philosphy..


  1. So, you would you like to be good for others or u would like to become important for others? :)

  2. Thats quite a tricky question...But i would like to be good to others and if am able to be good to others then i'll certainly be important to them..The essence of the post is that in the race of being important one shouldn't loose his/her goodness :)

  3. I liked the last lines of you post very much ....the 2 Imp 'A' of life ....Admitting n apology.. Must say..Good job done.


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