
Showing posts from September, 2020

Am i there?

It is 8:20 PM IST on a friday , my phone just got discharged completely and i don't have any zoom meetings till the next 40 minutes. So my anxiety made me think how to spend these 40 minutes, the only resort i found was my laptop and i turned into my blogger account, and i just realized i haven't posted anything since 5 years , yes 5 long Years.  My last post was published on July 16,2015. Out of nostalgia i read few of my posts which i didn't even recalled writing. Well there were some lines which i realized were not that bad but surely there were some cliches too. Started typing out of curiosity to check if i still have that which takes to write. Definitely the words are not coming that easily (an honest realization).  So i will try and recall what all things have changed for me between my last post on July 2015 and today. Here comes the darn list The sweetest change, I am a father now. I have a 3 and a half year old daughter (Read : Chatter box). Learning a lot of new th