
Showing posts from September, 2011 this an Acronym for a word?

India is WOW, these were the words of my Israeli fellow passenger…It was one of the weekend trips when I was travelling back from home to Delhi…this time my mom was also with me..It is the first time that she would be with me in Delhi... Well this is my own belief, don’t know to how many I contradict, that journey in a Train is a best way to travel. You meet people and often you have to socialize coz you have to share a good amount of time in the journey. During this journey I met an Israeli Tourist. He was quite a good chap to talk to. And the best part was that he has visited so much of India that I believe I wouldn’t be able to do in my life..He had explored almost the whole northern India. And his Quest was still on. and good great god he was travelling alone..i can't imagine being aloone at my place, and for him the reason behind that was to find some peace, get to know new people in this whole new country INDIA... I got to know from him that it is mandatory for everyone